The Meaning of Life

The Meaning of Life

As a scientist who has spent most of his life in the aerospace industry, studying at NASA and working in space programs around the world, I understand the value of science in our lives. Science has extended our lifespan, brought benefits to our health, opened the skies for us to travel further and faster. But science can only go so far. Science cannot offer fulfillment to our hearts, cannot fill the spiritual emptiness people struggle with, cannot heal our souls, and cannot give meaning to our life.

There are three important periods in your life. When you enter into your twenties, you chase a career that other people have suggested, recommended, or even imposed on you. You are doing other people’s will. Before you enter into your thirties, frustration, anxiety, and depression – sometimes illnesses – begin to set in because you feel you have no purpose in life. If you find the courage to break the bondage and leave, you go to find your own road in life. You discover your passion, and you follow your dreams for a while. You feel enthusiasm because it seems that you have found freedom. You are doing your will. This period is enjoyable, but this too doesn’t last long because, while it gives you excitement, it is not the true meaning of life. And one day, when God touches your heart and you put all your dreams at His feet, when you lift your hands and say: “Jesus, here I am. I am yours. Everything I am, everything I have, use it,” you begin to do God’s will. When you get here, you are finally free. You have found the true meaning of life.

There are three questions that guide your life, and the answer to these questions is the foundation for everything we are, and for everything we do in life. Early in our exploration of life, we are guided by the “what”: What can I do, what can I get, what can I achieve? Very soon we learn that the “what” is void of life, dead of purpose, and empty of any joy.

Later, as we let go of the “what,” we begin to be guided by the “why.” We ask ourselves questions such as “Why am I here?” or “Why am I doing what it is that I’m doing?” The common trend nowadays is to start with the “why.” But persist long enough, and you realize that the “why” will not get you far. The third question, and the one that opens a new dimension of abundant living is the “who”: “Who am I doing this for?” or “Who am I living for?” The only answer that will make you unstoppable in the pursuit of your dreams is “God.” When you surrender your life to Christ, when you honor the dreams He put in your heart, and you do everything in your power to honor Him, you discover a new dimension of glory, inner power, and peace unshakable by this world. When you become a child of God, in spirit and in truth, you discover the true meaning of life.

Dr. Dragos

In the Heart of Hearts

In The Heart of Hearts

Nobody truly knows you, as you really are in your heart of hearts. No matter how open you are, not even your closest friend can fully know you or understand you. Nobody from this world can completely know you because that secret place in the deepest deep of your heart is not of this world. The profound intimacy (“into me you see”) you need to have with someone so that you feel known is reserved only for God. No one from this world can enter into the secret place of Heaven in your heart.

You may not know God’s heart. You may be upset with him. You may even doubt his reality. None of that matters. He knows you.

He knows you as you really are. He knows you as you yearn to be known. He knows you with the dark and the light, with the low and the high, the ugly and the beautiful, the hidden and the truth. He knows the fear and the anger, the envy and the strife. He knows all the thoughts of your heart. He knows you as intimate and as deep as you do not even know yourself. He knows you in all and every moment. Because he made you, he knows you, and he knows you as he made you and not as you think you are. Because he truly knows you, he loves you with a love that gives you life.

Dr. Dragos

Love Was There

Love Was There

Thousands of years ago when the first people walked the earth, when they lived in caves and discovered fire, Love was there among them.
Hundreds of years ago when the great inventors discovered electricity, radio waves and the steam engine, when industry and science was born, Love was there among them.
Tens of years ago when we entered the information age, when we invented the internet and the mobile phone, Love was there among us.
When science wasn’t, Love was. When science is, Love is. When you weren’t, Love was. When you are, Love is. Love is everywhere and Love is right now.
One of the key messages of the Bible is: “God is Love.” If you find Love everywhere transcending time and space, why then is it so hard for you to believe in God?


Words of Life

Words to Heal You, Words to Give You Life

Traveling the world opened my eyes to the grace of God upon my life. Every time I stepped into the darkness of the unknown, not knowing what will happen tomorrow, God stepped in and unfolded miracles before my eyes. With time I started to trust God more and rely less on myself.

But things haven’t always been this way. I’ve crawled through depression for a few years and envy disfigured my being. I suppressed my anger and turned it against me. I’ve hurt people I didn’t want to hurt, abandoned friends and brought tears in the eyes of dear ones. As guilt deepened and the darkness within grew darker, I tried psychological techniques and meditations but nothing worked. I was crumbling under my pain, when one morning in Hawaii, with the first rays of the sun rising from the ocean, I closed my eyes and prayed for the first time in sincerity and truth:

“God, I do not know You but I want to.
Some people say I have sins that will never be forgiven.
Some say I cannot come before You as dirty as I am.
Some say You don’t even exist. Here’s what I say, Father.


You know my past, You know my mistakes, You know my fear and my pain.
I do not know Your plans for me. I cannot change the past and what I’ve done wrong.
When the time comes, You decide what You do with me because You hold the power over all things.


However, Father, there is one thing that is not in Your power to do, but in mine.
In this moment I have made a decision and there’s nothing You can do about it.
The choice for me to love You is not Yours. The choice for me to love You with all my heart is mine.


From today and in every moment, I come before You just as I am,
Naked, broken, hurt and lost,
With nothing in my hands to give You,
I come before You giving You my love.


I come before You Father, not to ask and take,
But to love You more each day and give.
What is on Your mind?
What is on Your heart?
I am not a beggar, I am Your servant and Your son.
I ask for nothing,
but just to do Your will.


Although I am grateful for your miracles and gifts,
Today I seek not the gifts, but I seek You – the giver of all gifts.
I love not what You give me, Father,
but I love You, the one who’s always given me.”

Prayer is not a technique. True prayer doesn’t require a special breathing methodology or a difficult sitting position. Prayer is you talking to God in spirit and in truth. This conversation I had with God early before dawn changed my life. As I walked out of my room, peace flooded my soul. My mind found rest for the first time in years, and my broken heart was gently made whole. I understood for the first time Heaven is reached with empty hands and open hearts.


Live in truth and make your dreams a reality.

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Prayer is not a technique. Prayer is you talking to God in spirit and in truth.

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The Boy, the Girl and the Heart

The Boy, the Girl, and the Heart

Once upon a time in a school in England, the pupils were looking through the family album of a little boy in their classroom. The children noticed the boy looked very different and had another hair colour than all other family members.

“You’re adopted!” laughed one of the kids. “You’re adopted!” and awe filled the whole room.

“What does it mean to be adopted?” asked the boy.

“I am adopted too” said a little girl from the back of the classroom.

“What do you mean “adopted?” asked the boy one more time.

“It means” the little girl continued, “you grew in your mother’s heart, instead of her tummy.”

(inspired by an old story)

Your friend,
Dr. Dragos

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Live in truth and make your dreams a reality.

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To be adopted means you grew in your mother’s heart, instead of her tummy.

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The Door to Your Heart

The Door to Your Heart

Once upon a time there lived a master painter in Paris. One day, after many months of working on a new painting, he summoned his closest friends and revealed the masterpiece to them: a breathtaking portrait of Jesus in front of a dark door. The people were in awe at how beautiful the painting was, but they realized something was wrong in the image. One of the men took a deep breath to summon his courage and said:

“Master, something is missing from in the painting. Jesus knocks on the door, but there is no handle…”

The door to your heart opens only inwards ” answered the artist. “He knocks, but only you can open it.”


Your friend,
Dr. Dragos

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Live in truth and make your dreams a reality.

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The door to your heart opens only inwards.

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