The Road With Christ

In the 20th century, Donald W. Winnicott, renowned British psychoanalyst and President of the British Psychoanalytical Society, discovered the most important requirement for people to have mental and emotional health throughout their lives. The core need of every child is to have personal, intimate and continuous access to a relationship that recognises the child’s complete dependence on a parent. Some years later, Daniel Stern, prominent American psychiatrist, coined the same fundamental need of every child: being-with.

In our hearts we yearn to be-with our Heavenly Father. We depend on our Heavenly Parent and the way to absolute security is to acknowledge our complete dependence on the Divine. You can run away from Home, you can forget where you are coming from, but this will bring you pain because you yearn to return Home, and you deny yourself the only way to meet your fundamental need to be-with. When you deny the Heavenly Father, you find yourself orphan in this world, not because you are, but because you decided to be.

Jesus Christ is the only rock upon which you will find rest. I am not talking about religion, I am not talking about church. I am talking about Life. Understand the difference because one is Life, and the other one is nothing. In some Eastern meditation practices there isn’t any talk of God, because God is seen by some Buddhists as the final object of dependency, the final thing to be abandoned on the path to pure detachment. But nobody asked the question: where does the path of pure detachment lead you? Nowhere. Buddhism teaches compassion. Jesus gives unconditional love. You have a Heavenly Father who loves you, not who has compassion for you. As a parent, do you have compassion for your child, or do you love your child for life? It’s a vital difference between the two, but one where you will understand the truth.

There is a common saying that all roads lead up to the top of the mountain. But only Christ will lead you Home.

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in Me.” (John 14:1)

Your friend,
Dr. Dragos

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The fundamental need of every child is being-with.

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