Trust the Unknown

In the late hours of the night, a family’s house was engulfed by fire. The parents and the children woke up and ran outside where they found safety. The flames were raging and spread up to the roof. Suddenly, the parents noticed their youngest son was missing. They looked everywhere and he wasn’t with them. Minutes later the window on the second floor opened and the little boy screamed for help. His father saw him and shouted: “Jump! I am here!” but the boy couldn’t see anything through the flames and the cloud of smoke.

“I cannot see you, father!” the child shouted in fear. He couldn’t see anything but fire and darkness all around him. He could barely hear his father’s voice.

You don’t need to see me. I see you, and that’s all you need. Trust me!

The boy jumped into the black nothingness of the night, and leaped into his fathers arms.

When the darkness surrounds you and you are called to jump into the frighting unknown, even if you cannot see your Heavenly Father, you can hear His voice in the silence of your Spirit. Trust Him.

Your friend,
Dr. Dragos

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