I’ve Been Through a Lot

I’ve Been Through a Lot

Somewhere in a backcountry town in America, an old man found a dollar bill in the street. He picked it up off the ground and sat down on the sidewalk, holding the broken piece of paper between his fingers. The dollar bill was partly covered in dried mud and dirt, worn to shreds and broken.

“I wonder what your story is” said the man looking with his gentle eyes at the threadbare bill.

“I’ve been through a lot” answered the bill. “Some much has happened to me in all these years. I am very weary and hurt.”

The old man’s eyes grew in awe and wonder, as he stood there looking at the paper talking in his hands.

“I come from the same place where all money comes from” the bill went on. “I was printed one day with millions of other dollar bills, and found myself in this world of which I knew nothing about. My life begun in a little town – just like this one. For a while I brought food to families, toys to children, books and music to the community. Life was good to me, but one day, by mistake, I ended up on a bar top under an empty whiskey jar, then in a back alley in a suitcase. One late night a man threw me on the nightstand in a dirty motel room, next to an ashtray filled with cigarette butts. A young woman was crying close to me in the dark.”

The old man didn’t say a word and just listened.

“One day, a lad crashed me in his fist and threw me on the ground. I’ve been going with the wind ever since, just as you see me now, broken, shattered and alone. I don’t know where I’ve gone wrong. I’ve brought pain to others and hurt people. I didn’t mean to do it. Their tears fell on me.”

The man reached in his pocket and pulled out a couple of other bills that looked to be almost new, and put all of them together.

I don’t know what you’ve been through he thought to himself, but you have the same value as any other bill, old or new. What you’ve been through doesn’t change your value and your worth.

God thinks the same way about you. Maybe you went through a lot in life, you might have made choices that hurt you and brought pain to others, and you suffered greatly when you acted against truth and love. Regardless of what you’ve done or what you’ve been through in life, you have the same worth just as everybody else, and you are equally precious in the eyes of our Heavenly Father. You are His son or His daughter, and you are precious just the way you are.”

Dr. Dragos


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What you’ve been through doesn’t change your value and your worth.

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The Story of the Old Man

The Little Story of the Wise, Old Monk

One of the young monks in a Greek monastery committed a serious fault, and the oldest hermit, who was living alone in a shack far from the monastery, was summoned to judge him and decide his punishment. The hermit refused, but the other monks insisted, and he eventually gave in and answered their call.

He arrived at the monastery carrying on his back a heavy bucket with a hole in it, out of which sand was spilling behind him. “I have come to judge the young brother” he said to the monastery leaders. “My own sins, errors and faults are spilling behind me like the sand from this bucket, but since I don’t look at what I leave behind me and don’t see my own mistakes, I come to judge my brother for his own!”

The monks dropped their heads. They understood the wisdom of the hermit and gave up the idea of punishment, humbled in their hearts for their judgement against a child whom God wants to forgive.

(inspired by an old Orthodox story)

Your friend,
Dr. Dragos

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He who has overcome huge problems shows giant love.

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The Boy, the Girl and the Heart

The Boy, the Girl, and the Heart

Once upon a time in a school in England, the pupils were looking through the family album of a little boy in their classroom. The children noticed the boy looked very different and had another hair colour than all other family members.

“You’re adopted!” laughed one of the kids. “You’re adopted!” and awe filled the whole room.

“What does it mean to be adopted?” asked the boy.

“I am adopted too” said a little girl from the back of the classroom.

“What do you mean “adopted?” asked the boy one more time.

“It means” the little girl continued, “you grew in your mother’s heart, instead of her tummy.”

(inspired by an old story)

Your friend,
Dr. Dragos

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To be adopted means you grew in your mother’s heart, instead of her tummy.

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The Road with Jesus Christ

The Road With Christ

In the 20th century, Donald W. Winnicott, renowned British psychoanalyst and President of the British Psychoanalytical Society, discovered the most important requirement for people to have mental and emotional health throughout their lives. The core need of every child is to have personal, intimate and continuous access to a relationship that recognises the child’s complete dependence on a parent. Some years later, Daniel Stern, prominent American psychiatrist, coined the same fundamental need of every child: being-with.

In our hearts we yearn to be-with our Heavenly Father. We depend on our Heavenly Parent and the way to absolute security is to acknowledge our complete dependence on the Divine. You can run away from Home, you can forget where you are coming from, but this will bring you pain because you yearn to return Home, and you deny yourself the only way to meet your fundamental need to be-with. When you deny the Heavenly Father, you find yourself orphan in this world, not because you are, but because you decided to be.

Jesus Christ is the only rock upon which you will find rest. I am not talking about religion, I am not talking about church. I am talking about Life. Understand the difference because one is Life, and the other one is nothing. In some Eastern meditation practices there isn’t any talk of God, because God is seen by some Buddhists as the final object of dependency, the final thing to be abandoned on the path to pure detachment. But nobody asked the question: where does the path of pure detachment lead you? Nowhere. Buddhism teaches compassion. Jesus gives unconditional love. You have a Heavenly Father who loves you, not who has compassion for you. As a parent, do you have compassion for your child, or do you love your child for life? It’s a vital difference between the two, but one where you will understand the truth.

There is a common saying that all roads lead up to the top of the mountain. But only Christ will lead you Home.

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in Me.” (John 14:1)

Your friend,
Dr. Dragos

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The fundamental need of every child is being-with.

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Trust the Father

Trust the Unknown

In the late hours of the night, a family’s house was engulfed by fire. The parents and the children woke up and ran outside where they found safety. The flames were raging and spread up to the roof. Suddenly, the parents noticed their youngest son was missing. They looked everywhere and he wasn’t with them. Minutes later the window on the second floor opened and the little boy screamed for help. His father saw him and shouted: “Jump! I am here!” but the boy couldn’t see anything through the flames and the cloud of smoke.

“I cannot see you, father!” the child shouted in fear. He couldn’t see anything but fire and darkness all around him. He could barely hear his father’s voice.

You don’t need to see me. I see you, and that’s all you need. Trust me!

The boy jumped into the black nothingness of the night, and leaped into his fathers arms.

When the darkness surrounds you and you are called to jump into the frighting unknown, even if you cannot see your Heavenly Father, you can hear His voice in the silence of your Spirit. Trust Him.

Your friend,
Dr. Dragos

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