The Secret Message on the Bulletin Board

On a Friday evening I was walking home from my office and I stopped in front of a small church in the city square. The face of a friend was smiling from the bulletin board. He was holding a concert there that evening. Next to his poster, I saw this letter from God to man. This letter was for myself, as well as for all of us who want to dedicate our life to love, in its many shapes and forms. I hope it will bring you peace.

“I know your suffering. I know your inner conflicts, your struggles and your pain. I know the sickness of your body, the doubts in your mind and the fears in your heart. I know your weaknesses and your mistakes, and in spite of all I still ask you: give me your heart.

Love me just the way you are.

If you wait until you become holy to love me, you will never love me. No matter how many mistakes you think you’ve done, I still ask you to love me.

Love me just the way you are.

In any situation and in any circumstance, trustful or doubtful, love me just the way you are. If you wait until you don’t make mistakes, you will never love me.

My dear son, I love you just the way you are. Love me in return just the way you are.

With time, I will gently transform your fear into love and your struggles into peace. But for now, love me just the way you are. My will is to see love rising even from the darkest corners. I don’t need your knowledge, your talent nor your virtues. I only care about your love. Put love in everything you do. You think you are not worthy, you think you are not enough, you think you are not loved, and in spite of that, here I stand at the door of your heart, the Creator of the Universe, begging you to let me in. Open up and do not prolong your pain. Think of me in every moment of every hour and put love in everything you do. Whatever happens, love me now, otherwise you will never love me.

I love you now just the way you are. Will you love me just the way you are?”


Your friend,
Dr. Dragos

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