I want to do what I love!
These words are on everyone’s lips, but they are so vague nowadays they’ve become a hidden way to complain about why you don’t enjoy life rather than the driver, the pull, and the main reason to start living a meaningful life. With this course, you go from day-dreaming to daily-doing.
How do you find meaning in life, how do you discover what you love, and how do you live your dreams in today’s world of exponential change?
This is the question of the century and the problem most of the people face. Resources are available like never before but another major problem emerged: Who do you trust to learn from? Where do you get your know-how? Who should you listen to? Who do you believe when it comes to your dreams? “By their fruits you shall know them.”
We did the research for you
Dr. Dragos had the same questions, and he looked for the answers. He traveled on 5 continents, worked and learned from the greatest leaders in the history of NASA, celebrity entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley, rock stars, New York Times bestselling authors, but also from monks, ministers and spiritual teachers. He learned a lot from his studies, and even more from his experience around the world to help you find the answer to one question: What is my purpose and how can I make my dreams a reality?
Learn from the best minds & “your kind” of people
If you are a technical person, you might not be open to listen to spiritual teacher. If you are an artist, maybe you cannot relate to an astronaut. This is why Dr. Dragos brought all of them together in this course. He was just like you, a scientist who didn’t care about any of the spiritual teachings, until he discovered the information in this transformational course.
Some of the best minds in the world – NASA legends, rock stars, New York Times bestselling authors, celebrity entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley, the founder of Angry Birds – have joined hands in The Amazing You project to share with you the knowledge to discover your purpose and transform your passion into a successful reality.
Your Teachers
In this behind-the-scenes video series you will study directly with:
The Scientists & Entrepeneurs

Dr. Charles Pellerin
NASA legend, Charlie built
Hubble Space Telescope

Dr. Ed Hoffman
NASA Chief Knowledge Officer,
Ed developed thousands of NASA
leaders and teams

Scott Hubbard
Prof Stanford University,
NASA MARS Program Director.
Scott put three robots on Mars

Dr. Robert Richards
Co-Founder Singularity University &
International Space University

Peter Mighty Eagle
Peter made Angry Birds into
the global brand it is today
The Authors & Artists

Gregg Braden
New York Times Bestselling Author

Howard Martin
Vice President HeartMath

Dr Dragos
Bestselling Author

Steve Vai
Grammy award winning musician
They share with you what they’ve learned on their journey to success, lessons you want to know but don’t want to learn the hard way. They walked the long road to success before you, and in this engaging course they lend you a hand to make it easier for you to walk your own road.
Because it’s never the extraordinary people who do the extraordinary. It’s the ordinary people like you and me who decide to step out, step up and take the journey. When they complete the journey, ordinary people like you become extraordinary.
Brought To You from “The Amazing You” Movie
This course is the expanded version of The Amazing You film, includes behind the scenes videos and secret lessons you will not get anywhere else. More than 550 students have already joined this course and are waiting for you to join them in their success.
Facts about THE AMAZING YOU movie:
UNESCO OFFICIAL SELECTION for the global youth forums, Washington 2015
Nominated in TOP 10 MOVIES THAT CAN CHANGE THE WORLD, Los Angeles, 2014
GLOBAL AWARD FOR EDUCATION & Social Change, Los Angeles 2014
Available in 20 languages (by volunteers who recognized the profound power of this movie)
Your Amazing Curriculum
- Welcome to The Amazing You
- The seed of your greatest dream blossoms within you
- Your vision is fundamentally important
- The multiple levels of a dream
- A conversation on personal dreams
- You invent your own future
- It all starts in your imagination
- You have to be a practical visionary
- The intersection of the possible and the impossible
- Go above the line of supercredibility
- 100 percent commitment
- How to go from ideas to reality
- What you and Sherlock Holmes have in common?
- Three things that can end your career
- Apply NASA’s key dimensions for success
- Everything begins here
- The first step towards success
- Why should anyone be led by you?
- The role of character in leadership
- Embrace your life’s amazing purpose
- The door to fulfillment opens inward
- Overcome your fears and take new steps forward
- Crush your fears and become the human of the future
- Don’t think. Do. Think
- The world is far better than you think.
- What would you do if you had no fear?
- What’s the worst that can happen?
- The right time to take action is now.
- Why you need to fail and why you will really get in trouble if you don’t
- The two opportunities of failure
- Money is not important enough to let it drive your life
- Bridging imagination, heart intelligence and persistence
- The story of Angry Birds
- Perseverance is the most important part of genius
- It’s the work that drives the luck.
- Passion drives persistence
- You are responsible for your own luck
- When you need to quit
- Mentors are fundamental for your success
- Mentors are vital for your success
- Mentors are exceedingly important
- Assume full responsibility for your relationships
- How to choose your mentors
- From friends to partners to industries across the universe
- The honest journeys we go through
- The question that can transform your life
- Transform your mind into an instrument of creativity
- The new frontier of success and fulfillment
- Bridging science, spirituality and your heart
- The mind is not everything
- Emotions are the colors of life
- The optimum state of coherence
- Learn to listen to your inner voice
- Activate your practical intuition
- How to communicate with the fields of energy
- How to boost your creativity
- The new science of imagination: balancing the heart and the brain
- The question that can change the world
- Conclusions