One-on-one with Dr. Dragos

Make your dreams a reality

Dearest friend, 

Would you like me to personally work with you on your dream?

If you’ve read my #1 Amazon bestselling book The Pursuit of Dreams, you’ve learned that I have spent the last 10 years exploring almost every continent on Earth. My mission was to discover how people fulfill their God-given dreams anywhere they start. I am extending this invitation to you and a few people from around the world who want to follow their dreams, and pursue their calling in life. If you want to live your God-given purpose on Earth and step into your destiny, read on.

This is a one-on-one program with me, only about you, with you, and for you. 

Trust yourself and take a leap of faith. Check first if this program is for you:

* This program is for you if you are open to living into a deeper dimension of life, of power and truth, if you want to experience abundant life and overflowing love.

* This program is NOT for you if you are offended by the name of Jesus Christ, if you want to succeed in life without God, or if you just want to make money. 

I am giving you my best only if you are giving me your best.

If you are truly committed to living your dream, let’s go.

We will work on your own dream, and this is what we will accomplish together:

BEFORE we begin working on your dream:

  • You will strengthen your courage to live in Truth regardless of your past or present circumstances. Living in Truth is the only way to live a meaningful life, and to pursue your dreams with power.
  • You will fill the spiritual emptiness most people struggle with, and you will live a purpose-driven life. Hurt, anxiety, depression, or addiction will be completely healed.
  • Scientific research performed during the last 40 years worldwide shows that people from all walks of life struggle with the deep-rooted belief that they are not enough. You will heal this emotional wound once and for all.
  • Fear will be wiped out of your life, and you will find peace and forgiveness regardless of what happened to you in the past. It’s a process, and it’s possible.
  • All guilt, regret, and past hurt will be washed away from your life. 
  • You will build an unshakable inner foundation that will resist all storms of life.
  • You will get rid of the inner critic, forever.

AFTER we begin working on your dream:

  • You will learn how to maximize what you have to create what you want.
  • You’ll build supercredibility for yourself, to attract important people on your side.
  • You will know from the very beginning, before you invest any money and do any work, if you dream is possible or not.
  • You will learn how to cut through the social static, and go straight for your dream.
  • You will learn how to transform your passion into a sustainable business.
  • You will learn how to cross the desert, and go through the hard times without giving up or giving in. We will build your unshakable inner foundation.
  • You will apply NASA’s leadership program to your new venture to keep everything on track to success. You will know what works, what doesn’t, moment by moment.

Decision Time

This is where the rubber meets the road. If you are committed to your dream, you will have to invest in yourself. There are two options available:

  • 6 sessions, once a month. Pay once – $1,997
  • 6 sessions, once a month. 3 monthly payments of $697

We spend one hour together every month.

Register HERE for the option you prefer, and let’s do this! 

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